Birdsong At Morning - Heavens (2023 Remaster)

Heavens (2023 Remaster) is available now –

Some people look to the skies and feel a powerful sense of wonder and awe. Some look to the skies and feel profoundly small, their lives meaningless.
I look to the skies and feel a powerful sense of wonder at just how meaningless life can seem. Why bother?

Or from another angle, why not?

When I look over the lyrics to these songs, I note the persistent trope of loneliness and isolation. So close, and yet so far.

I’m sure many of us have experienced that sense of disconnection, where a dinner party feels as alien as the environment on a distant planet. And yet, no matter how far apart, we are drawn into each other’s orbits, reaching out, even if unable to connect.

Of course, sometimes we DO connect. That’s what keeps us reaching...

Immersive Audio Album:


Heavens Available Now in 5.1!


“Astronomy (2023 Remaster)” Music Video Out Now!